Our Sodas

See all of our all natural soda offerings below. Click on an image to purchase and taste the natural flavors for yourself!

Buckeye State Scarlet Soda

Celebrate the great Buckeye State of Ohio with this with this classic fruit and strawberry flavored craft soda. One sip and you’ll agree, it tastes like victory!​

Buckeye State Scarlet Soda from Root Naturals

Apothecary Cream Soda

Treat yourself with one of our smooth, all natural Apothecary Cream sodas. Crack open a bottle and let the good times flow!​​ ​

Apothecary Cream Soda from Root Naturals

Apothecary Black Cherry Soda

Our natural Apothecary Black Cherry soda is rich, sweet, dark and most of all delicious. Made with cherry juice and extracts that make for a unique and authentic black cherry soda.

Apothecary Black Cherry Soda from Root Naturals

Apothecary Root Beer

Sit back and relax with our specialty all natural Apothecary Root Beer. Made from botanical extracts, this root beer will surely remind you of simpler times.

Apothecary Root Beer from Root Naturals

Cincinnati Royal Orange Soda

Taste the sweet and tangy rush in our newest offering, Cincinnati Royal Orange Soda. Crack one open today and taste the royalty. 

Cincinnati Royal Orange Soda from Root Naturals